
13th President of United States

 Who was Millard Fillmore? 

When Was Millard Fillmore Born, How Did Millard Fillmore Look Like, What Was Millard Fillmore Appearance, How Millard Fillmore Changed the United States, Who Was the First First Lady, Who Was the Second First Lady, Millard Fillmore House, Millard Fillmore Residence, How Tall Was Millard Fillmore, Millard Fillmore Known For, How and When Millard Fillmore Died, How Old Was Millard Fillmore When He Died.



Born in January 7 1800, Fillmore began his political career in the anti-Masonic party, but switched to the Whig Party through his association with Henry Clay. Fillmore was elected as the 12th vice president in 1848, and succeeded to the presidency in July 1850 upon the death of U.S. President Zachary Taylor. As the 13th U.S. president, Fillmore was responsible for forcing open Japan to trade with the Treaty of Kanagawa. 


On February 5, 1826, Millard, aged 26, and Abigail, aged 27, were married by the Reverend Orasius H. Smith at the home of the bride's brother Judge Powers in Moravia, New York. Mrs. Fillmore continued to teach school until the birth of her first child and maintained a lifelong interest in education. She shared her husband's love of books and helped build their personal library.


Millard Fillmore built the house in 1826 for his bride Abigail. One of only 10 National Historic Landmarks in Erie County, besides the White House, it is the only remaining house of the 13th President.


Fillmore's autograph letters can be unusually frank about his goals, feelings and motivations. Revealing letters can therefore be found relating to the slavery crisis. his letters run the gamut from routine to interesting, with the better ones all relating to political matters. He wrote more letters as president than his predecessor Zachary Taylor but continued his heavy reliance on secretaries. For a lawyer, Fillmore could be unusually frank about his goals, feelings and motivations, so some of his presidential correspondence is more revealing than prudent.




On 8th March 1874, at the age of 74 after suffering a second stroke. Two days later, he was buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo after a funeral procession including hundreds of notables.

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