Who was Franklin Pierce?
When Was Franklin Pierce Born, How Did Franklin Pierce Look Like, What Was Franklin Pierce Appearance, How Franklin Pierce Changed the United States, Who Was the First First Lady, Who Was the Second First Lady, Franklin Pierce House, Franklin Pierce Residence, How Tall Was Franklin Pierce, Franklin Pierce Known For, How and When Franklin Pierce Died, How Old Was Franklin Pierce When He Died.
Born on November 23 1804, Franklin Pierce was a northern Democrat who believed that the abolitionist movement was a fundamental threat to the unity of the nation, he alienated anti-slavery groups by supporting and signing the Kansas–Nebraska Act and enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act, yet these efforts failed to stem conflict between North and South. The South eventually seceded and the American Civil War began in 1861.
On November 19, 1834 Franklin married Jane Pierce at the bride's maternal grandparents' home in Amherst, New Hampshire. She served as First Lady of the United States from 1853 to 1857.
The Franklin Pierce Homestead in Hillsborough, New Hampshire, where Pierce fourteenth president of the United States grew up, is now a National Historic Landmark. He was born in a nearby log cabin as the homestead was being completed.
His letters relate to the matters at hand and are seldom philosophical or very interesting. They show that he could be snide like John Tyler and enjoyed disparaging his opponents, while not shrinking from written statements illuminating his support for slavery. However, the occasional letter can be high-toned, as when he stood up publicly for equal rights for Catholics. In later life, he spilled a lot of ink attacking President Lincoln and his leadership in the Civil War.
"While men inhabiting different parts of this vast continent cannot be expected to hold the same opinions, they can unite in a common objective and sustain common principles."
Oct. 8, 1869, Franklin Pierce died due to cirrhosis of the liver at The Pierce Manse, Concord, New Hampshire. He was a heavy drinker for much of his life, and died at the age of 64.